Unfortunate Accident, Well Some People Might Say That! (Again)
Oh this Yes if there was anything that would bring a smile back to your face, this is it! The Retarded old cow is back with yet another entry on the blog. I really should rename it retarded old cow. She must have generated more column inches than anyone else.
So I know you dieing to hear what happened last week! Well she had another accident and this time I missed it but it was oh so funny. So she was granted the luxury of checking of stock and managed to get her foot caught, then twisted around and fall into a skip! This lovely picture was drawn by Debs.
So I know you dieing to hear what happened last week! Well she had another accident and this time I missed it but it was oh so funny. So she was granted the luxury of checking of stock and managed to get her foot caught, then twisted around and fall into a skip! This lovely picture was drawn by Debs.
YAY!! I can see it here! Excellent...the visual most definitely adds to the story. :D
Good I'm glad you could see the full visual.
Uber lol. A skip. Still laughing. I may have to come back and post when I'm not so hysterical.
Are you sure you're not setting up accidents in order to write hilarious blogs? Cos if not, you should totally start. And get a webcam.
I have no idea Simon! I will have to ask when i'm next in work!
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