Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Lake House Full Report!

Yes it was Wednesday and yes I did go to the cinema. Let me first tell you that me and Deb the one with the orange phone! Are turning into moaning old people! We moaned about the fact that they are putting the bus prices up, well on Debs bus not mine! Ha Ha. Once in the cinema the very fact you have to be very rich now days to buy popcorn and stuff. Well enough about that, let’s talk about the film.

The Lake House, what a really good film it was funny, sad almost brought a tear to my eye. Something you understand does not happen very often as I’m always being told how mean I am. Of course you get the silly little bitches that like to sit at the back of the cinema and talk and moan about the film, I have to say they were okay during the film mostly and you did not really notice them. I had thought about throwing my sweets up at them, but I’m not wasting £3/$5 worth for the little you get. Having sad that the satisfaction I would have got would have been worth it!

If you are a fan of Sandra Bullock then this is a must see. What a really good performance very moving and Keanu Reeves was not that bad either. For some reason Mr Reeves has aged 10 years since doing the Matrix films maybe more make is needed? As his brother say’s in the film, you look like shit. Okay I’m really sorry I don’t really have a problem, I guess it was all part of the film. Anyway check the official site out and look at the trailer!


Blogger Becky Heineke said...

Ah ha! As I suspected, you liked it! It was a good movie, tugging at the heart strings and all. I give it two thumbs up. :D

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well now we know where I'll be next Wednesday. And I'll buy my sweets from the garage and sneak them in in my enormous handbag.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Nothing Really Matters said...

Anneka that is a good idea! If you are anything like me you might needa suitcase!

10:19 AM  
Blogger Miffed67 said...

I can't wait to see this. I'm a fan of Keanu anyway, and I think he and Sandra have great chemistry together! Plus, it looks like one of those romantic movies I like so well! I'm a sucker for that stuff.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Nothing Really Matters said...

I am very much a sucker for that stuff my self Miffed.

10:52 AM  

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