Friday, May 19, 2006

Back At Work

Yes I was forced back to work today as my holiday finally came to an end after 5 days of piece and relaxation. How nice it is to be greeted by a Bacardi guzzling, foul mouthed, 50 something, retarded female fellow employee first thing in the morning! Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate people in women in there 50’s just this one! Although I’m always being told hate is the wrong word, so I could come up with a few others but I will let that pass.

Me: Hi

Maggot: Hi, your back then!

Me: No you stupid cow I like nothing more than coming in on my day off work at 8:30 in the morning. Okay so I only thought that part!

Maggot: I can have a rest now your back then! (Not that you do any work anyway apart from moan and wish every day of the week was a Friday!)

Me: Forced fake smile

So they day was not that bad after all. It made me laugh when my friend told me Maggots quote of the day. This happen while speaking to a customer on the phone!
I pissed myself, that was not the only think that happened! Hopefully my friend will give a full report on her website!

“Is your computer P.C. compatible???”


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