Friday, July 07, 2006

Happy 38th Jorja Fox

I wish I could be a C.S.I like Joyra! You get to parade around in your own cloths looking as if you own the place, Wait I think I might do that now! They do make it look very cool. You just turn up, take a few photos and sample. Then it's back to the lab, have a sit down while someone else does all the work then go back out and bring the fucker that killed someone in for questioning! All in a days work! Check the picture, someone got the art of waving like the Queen.


Blogger Becky Heineke said...

^^^ Ha! Anyway, I hate to say it, but I CANNOT STAND "C.S.I." It's one of those few pop culture phenoms like "American Idol" that makes me want to vomit. I just can't do it. But Jorja's OK. I remember when she was on "E.R." and Dr. Carter had a thing for her but she wound up being gay. Funny the things you remember...

7:13 PM  
Blogger Nothing Really Matters said...

PG you always come up with all these diffent things!

Simon LOL maybe you are right the Queen should behead people. She may still have the right, i don't know, but just does not use it!

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOo, i have an interesting piece of kinda related CSI info. Apparently nowadays attorneys are having a right pain in court because of the "CSI Effect", where the juries are much more educated on forensic stuff and expect the same kind of results you see on the shows.
Obviously real life isn't like that!
I always liked Jorja Fox though :)

3:09 PM  
Blogger Miffed67 said...

Oooo, I *LOVE* CSI! You get points from me for mentioning Jorja Fox!

Eh, and my one brush with fame (and not in ANY way a close brush, either), my hometown is 15 miles from George Eads. AND, since we graduated High School the same year, he was actually THERE at the same time *I* was living there! Actually, his mom still lives there, so any time I go home, I look around to make sure I don't miss never know! Might run in to him on the street one day!

8:13 PM  
Blogger Nothing Really Matters said...

Maybe you will, tell us all about it if you do!

11:56 PM  

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