Friday, July 21, 2006

Evil plan

Apart from the fact that I’m very mean anyway it’s also nice to be mean to other people. You can get some good results! Working in a shop from time to time we need to order things that we don’t stock.

This mean trick has been going on for years; you fill in an order form out as if a customer was buying a product. Of course at this point you need to think of some funny name that the retarded old lady (Remember this) that works in our shop will call us up and ask for that person! At this point I bet you are thinking surely she knows the number of the shop! Well we have three different lines of course.

So today Deb and I decided to order some lovely red parker ink and came up with the following names! Mike Hunt and Ivanna Hupmalot. Hope I spelt that right! There are however a few problems with our plan, when we answer the phone we have to say our store name although this does not stop said person from trying to get the person she needs! So all we need to do now is tell our manager to answer the phone with out saying our shop name! Please note this works almost every time! Stay tuned you will find out on Monday, well maybe Tuesday if I’m lazy!


People I’m afraid the mission failed due to a number of reasons.

1) Order came in early (WTF it always comes in at lunchtime!)
2) Said person did not look at the order
3) Some other staff member almost rang the number!

Fear not we still have another order to come in. I will keep you posted!


Blogger Nothing Really Matters said...

Why maybe i did not explain it that well!

2:05 PM  
Blogger Nothing Really Matters said...

I will re-write the post if i'm talking crap! I forget most people don't know me and don't work in my shop!

2:31 PM  
Blogger Nothing Really Matters said...

Okay dear. Some of the time with have to order things for customers and for the shop. So when we order for the shop we put a silly name on the order form so that when it comes in a member of staff has to ring the customer up. Which in this case is the made up name! When you have think people working with you its very funny!

Did that help dear??? "Mike Hunt" Is a very rude word. Try staying it to yourdelf very fast! If don't i will explain later!

11:25 PM  
Blogger Nothing Really Matters said...

No you did not tell me. Was it good?? Do you have any funny stories??

10:44 AM  
Blogger Patt said...

Great Blog.I enjoyed it all.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so did it work out then?

8:44 PM  
Blogger Becky Heineke said...

Hee. You're so bad! Bonus points for working Dr. Evil into your post. ;)

7:08 AM  
Blogger Nothing Really Matters said...

I will write an update, but I'm still in Harry Potter mode! Also feeling very lazy!

flickacross Thanks for stopping by!

12:58 PM  

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